Friday, February 11, 2011

Dog Kid

Ive been trying to learn how to draw Balto lately, and this is a test run of what I've managed to retain. Sorry for totally.. not updating everyday!


  1. It's hard to give you a critique, since you have such an established style.

    Small things I did notice: I don't like how sharp the slant on her eye is. I'm not entirely convinced she would be able to sit like that when considering the dog's anatomy, and finally, the dog's paws furthest away from us appear to be at a different perspective.

  2. Dude, most of us haven't updated everyday, it's cool, haha

    This is super cool, I really like how you did the dog's face, especially the teeth... I agree with Itamar about how the girl is sitting on the dog, she'd probs slide off, but hey, at the same time, her feet dooo look like she's kinda gripping onto it, so maybe not, idk-
